Why Crossroads? Well, we wanted a title that communicated the idea of several different countries and cultures meeting in one place. Our club has students of Japanese, Korean, Filipino, and Chinese decent (as well as an American teacher), and our school has students with family ties to places all over the world, from Asia to Africa. Beyond the diversity within our own walls, our club is working hard to develop a strong sister school relationship with Central Coast Grammar School and Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School in Australia, as well as Tavistock College in the UK. So as ambassadors to the international community both inside and outside of our school, we feel we are truly standing at the place where international cultures, experiences, and perspectives meet: the crossroads.
This is our first year as a club so as excited as we are to start having fun, we also realize that we have a lot of work to do. We hope this blog will help us record our achievements, see where we have been, and decide where we want to go in the future. And of course, we hope that this will be a place where our families and friends can share in our experiences as we grow throughout the year. Feel free to post a comment. Everyone is welcome!

Until next time!