Some of our students were asked to create short summaries of their favorite movies. The results were really creative and fun. Here's one:

Once upon a time there was a girl, Cinderella.

She lived with step-mother and three sisters.
They were bullies.

One night, good witch appeared and put magic on her.
Witch cast a spell. “Chi-chin-pui-pui-no-pui!”

Cinderella became a princess.

At last, she was taken to the ball and met the prince.

She was dancing with the prince merrily. But it was time that the magic would not work.

When she was running one of her slippers fell off.

The prince picked it up.

One day, the prince visited the village where Cinderella lived.

Checking all the ladies. No one could put on the slipper.

At last, he went to Cinderella’s house and he found the slipper fit Cinderella!!

The prince said, “You are my destiny!” They lived happily ever after.